We'd love to see your camera tossing efforts! I'm sure there are worthy examples being created that are not making it to the flickr community. I'm creating a posting for this since the previous method of having an email listed is generating a fair bit of spam.
Method: Through flickr...
Create a flickr account. Then "join" the community called Camera Toss and submit your photos to the photo pool.
Method: Comment on this posting...
If you are hosting your photos elsewhere, leave a comment on this posting and provide a link to your best camera tosses. I'll take a look and possibly mention them in the blog too!
13 hours ago
I checked out your site and it is fascinating...thanks for providing a spot where people can show off their work...I did a little write up about your blog on mine the post is located at http://dustysthinking.blogspot.com/2005/11/free-time.html
I am trying to fashion my blog as an entertainment site for a quick laugh at how stupid I can be...feedback welcome...I'll keep checking back to see your guy's work...good luck on the fund for new cameras...I also have a link to your site right now
See my photo at http://vitaminad.blogspot.com/2005/11/6-seis.html
Am learning from your site. It's mind blowing! Thanks. I've posted a few of my tries at http://knruthya.blogspot.com . I tried applying gradient maps to some of them and I really like the way it turned out. Please have a look and give me your feedback.
These must the best for me to date --
I hope you can enjoy them.
Have a look at this as well:
Since I talk about you a bit.
How did you know -- that was a landscape?
some old ones:
Hey there,
Could you have a look at some of the camera tossing I tried..
Would love to know what you thought about it!
Perhaps you want to have a look at his one:
Camera Tossing #1 :D
It's a very amusing "technique" I haven't tried before.
This is my first attempt.
Hi there
Not sure if these count as 'official' camera tosses, as there is a certain amount of post-processing, but the images were captured using kinetic photography.
momentary moments
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