Saturday, October 25, 2008

Another Shameless Plug: Michel D’anastasio

Exposition "Lettre hébraïque" Paris Novembre 2008

Re-sharing the information for a friend's exhibition coming up in Paris. He's extremely talented and was a great host for an evening when I met up with him last year. If you are in the area, check it out.

Here's his flickr and his website.

Exposition :
Michel D’anastasio
du 6 au 30 novembre 2008
lundi au vendredi de 14h à 18h
vernissage le jeudi 6 novembre
à partir de 18 h

Lettres hébraïques
calligraphies modernes :
œuvres originales, sur toile, papier et photographie

78, quai de jemmapes 75010 paris
Métro République, Jacques Bonsergent
Bus Ligne 75 arrêt Allibert

Friday, October 17, 2008

Shamless Plug: Between The Folds

Fans of this blog will, for many reasons, enjoy this documentary:

Which is actually viewable online, apparently this weekend only in association with the Hamptons International Film Festival & Snag Films.

Watch it. Be inspired. Share.

Collaboration #1 Results

Now that Collaboration #2 is upon us, finally taking the time to post some of the results people created using the source from Collaboration #1.

Here is a sampling of the result, the theme however is still open for participation and you can view all results on flickr. Some interesting variety, as expected, was produced depending on the properties of the monitor/display that people used to project the source image...

Kinetic 1052 - James Dean (by mtnrockdhh) DSC01205 (by QuakkauQ)

Kinetic 1063 (by mtnrockdhh) shared source project, theme #1 (by clickykbd)

DSC01291 (by QuakkauQ) Shared Source Toss 3 (by inF!)

theme one revisited (by jahdakine - mudding) tossed (by spinphase)

camera_toss_group_experiment01 (by lehmio) And Now For The Egg Toss.., 2008 (by mick l)

Attributions: Top: David Hull, Jens Ludwig. 2nd Row: David Hull, Ryan Gallagher. 3rd Row: Jens Ludwig, Nathan Barrow. 4th Row: John, Crista. Bottom: Stephan Lehmann, Mick Logan

These photos was created as part of a multi-photographer Camera Toss Group collaboration.

The pattern primitive image used with permission and under the terms of the Creative Commons; Attribution, Non-Commercial, Share-Alike 2.0 license.

See Shared Source Collaboration #1 and results.
See also all results of such themes.

If you are eager to get participating, Collaboration #2 theme has already been posted. Please pay special attention to the tag, licensing, and attribution requirements of the project. Here is a taste...

Shared Source Toss I (by inF!)
originally uploaded by John (InF!)