This evening was the opening reception for the group show "Command-Z" (posted previously) at the Torrance Art Museum (City of Torrance, Los Angeles county). My installation content, a community driven rotating slideshow of exclusively camera toss photography contributed by the flickr community was activated last night and we had many submissions in short time. Here's a sample of the generated slides as they are seen in the museum projection:
The Submission Interface is up and accepting photos from the public (provided you have a flickr account, as it utilizes the Flickr Public API). Here are some screenshots of the process:
After Authenticating with Flickr...
Searching for your camera tosses to submit:
Viewing your active photos (after moderator approval):
Should you submit, all rights are retained by the author of course, and you have complete control when to add, remove, edit your data in the installation. Here are some tips for submitting to this installation...
Submitting Tips:
Please try to only submit your favorite camera toss results... the gallery can't support all 11,000 camera tosses hosted on flickr! hehe
They must be true to the idea of a camera toss... no intense digital manipulations... no "sort of thrown" cheating. This is really about throwing cameras... and what you can do with that idea.
Use the preview button, and [demo] links for all your submitted photos!... I have tried very hard to make sure everyone's attribution is proper.... but the Flickr-API and your missing profile data may result in incomplete details. You can always fill out those fields with each photo you submit.
Bear in mind, as the moderator/curator of this one piece of the show... I may reject your submission, or just sit on it in pending status indefinitely. Please don't consider it a personal insult. Also It may take me 24 hours sometimes before your pending submission goes live (ocassionally I have a day job). ;-)