Photo Credits (left to right, top to bottom):
Remiss63, Staffan Ehde, QuakkauQ, dredlockbasta
dredlockbasta, davespilbrow, nik_clayer, Crochunter
_ferro_, _ferro_, QuakkauQ,
Crochunter, El Ray, El Ray
In a related effort to demonstrate for new members, I created a series I had been meaning to execute for a while...
Singular Essentials (36 images total)
Originally Uploaded by clickykbd
View as a series or slideshow.
A simplified camera tossed series working with a single light source (best viewed as the slideshow). In this case it was a lonesome blueish-white LED. Exposures ranged from 7/10th to 2 seconds Many of these results clearly show camera tossing as a close relative of the physiogram, which also typically uses one light source, but attached to a pendulumn. Both forms explore the aesthetics of physics, throwing your camera just happens to have a few more variables and alot more creative flexibility (and room for complexity). There are many other related predecessors to this sort of imagery too, I link to many on my website if you are curious to investigate more.
I had also hoped to demonstrate that there is a raw elegance to this type of motion. The more complex subject is not even required to achieve the aesthetically satisfying result. This excercise also proved particularly insightful because I was using a new camera for the technique, and such simplistic subjects clearly illustrate the variations and aerial properties a particular camera can exhibit, a base upon which you can selectively build more complex compositions.
All images in this series are directly from my Kodak Easyshare 3.1mp camera, no photoshop, no cropping or manipulation other than image rotation.