With my premiere exhibition in Hamburg, Germany, alot of other media sources found the topic worthy of dicussion or treatment... here is a synopsis and some links (this is probably a very incomplete list)...
Online News: Spiegel Online (again)
Being an official sponsor of the exhibition, they contributed a second article on the topic shortly before the opening event. The turn out was wonderful and feedback even better.
link to their follow-up article
Television: RBB | Polylux
An extremely popular news magazine, wanted to put together a very entertaining piece and was present at the opening event filming. I played into their desire to create something entertaining, had fun doing it, but wish the treatment had been a little more serious.
Watch the video
Television: RTL/RTL2 | Unknown Program
Interviewed me in the gallery and covered the second event at the gallery, a party and judging of the photography contest submissions. I have not seen their piece yet and don't have a link at this time. Perhaps it has not aired yet because they requested a follow-up at the closing event.
Television: SAT1 | News
Produced a short news piece about the exhibition, interview segments with me, and a some footage of me trying out a few Hamburg locations via camera tossing. No link at this time.
Radio: DeutschelandRadioKultur
Interviewed me and a couple others from the community who had given the camera toss technique a try. No link at this time. Another program on this station has requested another interview.
Unrelated to the Exhibition...
Television: CNN-IBN India
After arriving in Europe noticed that there was some activity on the topic in India. I had been contacted by this reporter but he ended up putting together a story using India sources before I could find time to work with him.
Read the Article
Web Magazine Article: PictureShuttle.de
Before leaving for Europe this photgraphy centric web magazine wrote an online article about camera toss and recieved permission to use an image.
Read the article
Online News/Magazines: Italy
Two articles have appeared in the last week in Italy. None of them contacted me and I'm quite curious what they say. If anyone can translate these two articles I would truely appreciate it.
1. UniMagazine.it Article
2. Panorama.it Article
13 hours ago