Sunday, June 24, 2007

Digiarte '07 Followup

I posted previously how I contributed to the digital art annual exhibition DIGIARTE in Florence, Italy (May). Well the curator, Logu (Lorenzo) Guasti, finally created a flickr account for Digiarte and shared some photos of the space and installations/events. Here's a couple highlights but more on the photostream...

Digiarte alla Galleria dell'IperCoop a Sesto Fiorentino (by digiarte) Digiarte alla Galleria dell'IperCoop a Sesto Fiorentino (by digiarte)
Digiarte alla Galleria dell'IperCoop a Sesto Fiorentino (by digiarte) Digiarte alla Galleria dell'IperCoop a Sesto Fiorentino (by digiarte)
Convegno DIGIARTE2007 (by digiarte) reactable_gunter (by digiarte)

1 comment:

Jonathan Vo said...

Nice! Wish I had been there, looks interesting, especially with the stereographic projections (which are really fun to do too)