©2006 Aaron Johnson. Included with Permission.
The author/artist of the photography-centric web comic What The Duck sent me a note via this blog a couple days ago to share this relevant comic. I'm not sure how many of the camera tossing enthusiasts out there have had to visit the repair counter yet, but I am sure this was the experience they had if they did so. Fans of web comics and photography should definitely check out his strip. I read the archive and enjoyed it. Aaron has at least one new fan.
Apologies for the lack of postings lately... have a few things to share and will get around to that shortly, also the photo pool is long overdue for a highlights posting...
For now, here's some photo-pool spotlights:

Originally uploaded by yeadon_eric.

Originally uploaded by davespilbrow.

Originally uploaded by El Ray.
I like those images!
Those look fake.
I like the graphics shown here.
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