With my premiere exhibition in Hamburg, Germany, alot of other media sources found the topic worthy of dicussion or treatment... here is a synopsis and some links (this is probably a very incomplete list)...
Online News: Spiegel Online (again)
Being an official sponsor of the exhibition, they contributed a second article on the topic shortly before the opening event. The turn out was wonderful and feedback even better.
link to their follow-up article
Television: RBB | Polylux
An extremely popular news magazine, wanted to put together a very entertaining piece and was present at the opening event filming. I played into their desire to create something entertaining, had fun doing it, but wish the treatment had been a little more serious.
Watch the video
Television: RTL/RTL2 | Unknown Program
Interviewed me in the gallery and covered the second event at the gallery, a party and judging of the photography contest submissions. I have not seen their piece yet and don't have a link at this time. Perhaps it has not aired yet because they requested a follow-up at the closing event.
Television: SAT1 | News
Produced a short news piece about the exhibition, interview segments with me, and a some footage of me trying out a few Hamburg locations via camera tossing. No link at this time.
Radio: DeutschelandRadioKultur
Interviewed me and a couple others from the community who had given the camera toss technique a try. No link at this time. Another program on this station has requested another interview.
Unrelated to the Exhibition...
Television: CNN-IBN India
After arriving in Europe noticed that there was some activity on the topic in India. I had been contacted by this reporter but he ended up putting together a story using India sources before I could find time to work with him.
Read the Article
Web Magazine Article: PictureShuttle.de
Before leaving for Europe this photgraphy centric web magazine wrote an online article about camera toss and recieved permission to use an image.
Read the article
Online News/Magazines: Italy
Two articles have appeared in the last week in Italy. None of them contacted me and I'm quite curious what they say. If anyone can translate these two articles I would truely appreciate it.
1. UniMagazine.it Article
2. Panorama.it Article
3 days ago
Very nice job getting the word out there. This is a lot of press.
I wanted to say that the night the german TV show had your segment on. One of my pictures in the camera toss pool got about 350 hits in one night.
You must have got a lot of people interested.
You still need a translation?
Congratulations on the exhibition!
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